We know what we are about



Amire emerges as a sartorial manifesto, drawing profound inspiration from the existentialist canon and the philosophy of the absurd. It seeks to dismantle the invisible barriers of conformity, offering daring and unconventional designs that challenge the inertia of traditional fashion norms. Amire thrives in the liminal space between aspiration and hesitation, crafting pieces that compel individuals to confront their reservations and embrace self-expression with audacious elegance.

Celebrating the beauty of the unorthodox, Amire redefines the act of dressing as an existential choice—an ode to individuality and a rebellion against the mundane

ترے آزاد بندوں کی نہ یہ دنیا نہ وہ دنیا

“Your free souls belong neither to this world nor the next.”